Decoration & Awards

• The decoration & Awards sanctioned & authorized by the National Association are as follows:

  • Service Star
  • Special Service Star
  • Long Service Decoration
  • Thanks Badge
  • Awards for Gallantry
    • Letter of Commendation
    • (b) Certificate
    • Gilt Medal
    • (d) Bar to Gilt Medal
    • (e) Silver Medal Bar to Silver Medal
    • Bronze Medal
  • Awards for Meritorious Service:
    • Medal of Merit
    • Bar to Medal of Merit
    • Silver Star
    • Bar to Silver Star
    • Silver Elephant

Community Services


Scout/Guide Units working in the field of Community development for at least a year are judged at State level, and are awarded Certificates & Shields at National level. Awards are presented to Members of Winning units and their leaders by the Prime Minister of India.


Motivate Scouts and Guides of the country to play their useful role in the service of the nation and in the movement.


The Competition will cover the period from 1st July every year to 30th June of the succeeding year.


The Competition will be held in four subjects and is open to all Scout Troops/Guide Companies. Competition will be separately for the Scout and Guide Wins. State Association will give wide publicity and invite applications. The State Association Will forward application forms to NHQ.


Minimum of 2 competing Districts. A competing district is one, which registers at least two units.


To be maintained by competing Units. The Log Book should be preferably 15’X12’ in size.


Division/District recommends best unit in each group to state. State recommends one best among each group of subjects to NHQ. A state can get 3 Shields for Scouts and 3 Shields for Guides.


The area of work for Unit will be selected by respective Units and approved by the District Commissioner. It shall not be less than 30 families and not more than 50 families.


In State, the Scout Troop, Guide Company standing first and gaining 70% and above marks will be awarded Prime Minister’s Shield and a crtificate signed by the Prime Minister. All participating units, which gain more than 50% marks in the group of subjects, will be awarded a certificate of Merit signed by the Prime Minister.


Rover/Ranger Units are also encouraged to promote projects for the development of community. The best units selected at State level are recommended for awards at National level. Awards are presented to Members of Winning units and their leaders by the Vice President of India.


The Competition will cover the period from April every year to 31st March of the succeeding year.


The Competition will cover the period from 1st July every year to 30th June of the succeeding year.


  1. The Competition will be held in three categories and is open to all Rover Crews and Ranger Teams in the Country
  2. The competition will be held separately for the Rover and Ranger sections of the Movement.
  3. The Rover Crews and Ranger Teams will participate in all the three categories prescribed for this competition.
  4. The State Association will give wide publicity and invite applications from the Units intending to participate in it by filling the Registration Forms, which may be obtained from the State. The State Association forwards the Registration to NHQ


Minimum 4 competing Districts. A Competing District is one which registers atleast one Unit from Rover/Ranger Sections.


The Log Book of the best Unit one each from Rover and Ranger Sections will be sent for consideration of the State level panel of judges according to the present time schedule. The State Level panel of judges will select the best two from the entries received and recommend the same to NHQ for the awards.


The Log Book of the best Unit one each from Rover and Ranger Sections will be sent for consideration of the State level panel of judges according to the present time schedule. The State Level panel of judges will select the best two from the entries received and recommend the same to NHQ for the awards.


The area of work will be selected by respective Units approved by the District Commissioner concerned. It shall not be less than one basti / hamlet and not more than 3 Basties / hamlets.


In each State the Rover crew and Ranger Team Standing First and gaining 70% and above marks will be awarded the Vice-President’s Merit Certificate along with a Shield by the Vice – President.
All the Units which gain more than 50% marks in all the categories but less than 70% will be awarded a participation certificate signed by the National Commissioner.