Cub & Bulbul

Cub Section:

Scheme of Advancement-

Boys between Five to Ten years of age

  • A Boy can be registered as a Cub Aspirant on completion of five years of age and invested after working for at least three months and completed the requirements of the Pravesh test
  • A Pravesh Cub will work at least for three months to qualify for Pratham Charan.
  • A Pratham Charan Cub will work at least for three months to qualify for Dwitiya Charan.
  • A Dwitiya Charan Cub will work for at least nine months to qualify for Tritiya Charan badge.
  • A Tritiya Charan Cub will work for at least nine months to qualify for Chaturtha Charan.
  • A Chaturth Chran Cub having earned totally six proficiency badges one badge each in Tritiya Charan and Chaturth Charan, remaining four badges to be earned from the proficiency badge groups not earned earlier. He may be awarded a special badge called "Golden Arrow" before completing ten years of age.
  • For Pravesh and Pratham Charan the Cub Master will arrange for training and testing.
Cub & Bulbul

Bulbul Section:

Scheme of Advancement-

Girls between Five to Ten years of age

  • A girl can be registered as a Bulbul Aspirant on completion of five years of age and invested after working for at least three months and completed the requirement of the Pravesh test.
  • A Pravesh Bulbul will work at least for three months to qualify for Komal Pankh.
  • A Komal Pankh Bulbul will work for at least three months to qualify for Rajat Pankh.
  • A Rajat Pankh Bulbul will work for at least nine months to qualify for Swarna Pankh.
  • A Swarna Pankh Bulbul will work for at least nine months to qualify for Heerak Pankh.
  • A Heerak Pankh Bulbul have earned totally six Proficiency Badges, one badge each in Swarna Pankh and Heerak Pankh, remaining four badges to be earned from the proficiency badge groups not earned earlier. She may be awarded a special badge called "Golden Arrow" before completing ten years of age.
  • From Rajat Pankh onwards and for all Proficiency Badges, Training Counsellors will arrange testing.

Cub Bulbul Utsav

Cub Bulbul Utsav is the gathering of the Cub and Bulbuls in which opportunities are provided to the Cub and bulbuls to –

  • Enjoy the activities specially carved out for them
  • Help them demonstrate their skills and talents.


Develop habits which lead to good character

  • Do a daily Good turn.
  • Express himself/herself in creative skills.
  • Collect things of his/her interest and preserve them properly (Documentation)
  • Develop a sense of respect for elders, Love for youngsters in the family & neighborhood and find ways of such expressions with a spirit of cooperation.
  • Adventure Activities
  • Learn and fellow the family traditions and be of religious.
  • Understand the need of conserving Nature/Environment and public properties
  • Knowledge of his/her state, people and culture.
  • Demonstration of Cub Bulbul Greetings
  • Decoration of Bulbul Tree
  • Enacting the Jungle Stories
  • Jungle Dances and Tara Story
  • Exhibitions
  • Play acting

Cubs and Bulbuls present their skills and talents in cultural presentation as evening activities called Red Flower (for Cubs) and Kalarav (for Bulbuls).

"Offline 02 days Basic Cub Master/ Flock Leader Training" from 17/18 Sep' 21